Saturday, April 18, 2009


This is the wonderful catapult. Here is a video..

This pretty sweet Ha. I think this is a midevil times I would be the person who fixed the catapult's.. LOL.. But I would make some new things like a flamethrower or something better then all the other peoples who fixed catapult's.. Well se you later :)..


  1. good job with your blog. looks like a cool catapult.

  2. Wow that's much better than when Landon tried to "help". Good job! It goes pretty far! Very entertaining to watch too :)

  3. So because Jade is all knowing, and I know nothing, he informed me that your catapult is actually more like a trebuchet. I hadn't ever heard that word before, as I'm sure you haven't either. So google trebuchet and see what you think. I do think, however, that whatever you want to call it, it is totally awesome and how clever you are! I'm glad you finally put it on your blog. Jade thinks it is AWESOME too! See you soon.
